Cruz Alexander Boyd

A Father's Day Gift

A Father's Day Gift
Cruz Alexander Boyd 1 pound, 13.3 ounces, 14 and 1/2 inches long, born at 4:42 p.m.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

June 30, 2010

So, daddy went to work early this morning and calls to tell me that you are on the regular vent! This is good because your are a little closer to breathing on your own AND you get to be turned every 4 hours! When I got there you looked pretty comfy. I saw your sweet face for a minute while they turned the billi light off. You look like daddy!I pay that God heals the bleeds and makes your lungs strong and healthy. The nurse, Allison, gave me a sock baby to stick in my shirt while I sleep. She said it will smell like me and we can put it in your isolette. Also, you went from 95% O2 vent. to 85%...this is good.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What big feet on our little mighty man! God has plans for him to grow into those feet!
